You'll get surprised by the benefits of honey, use this way!

Many such elements are found in honey, which is very beneficial for health. Honey also provides many benefits to the body. Apart from this, honey is also effective for hair and skin. Meanwhile, today we are going to tell you how we can use honey. You will get immense benefits from this. So let's know how to use honey.

Include green gram in your diet to get health benefits

Milk, vinegar and honey For this, mix one spoon of raw milk, two spoons of vinegar, and half a spoon of raw honey. Make a fine paste and then apply it on the face. After keeping on the face for fifteen minutes, wash the face thoroughly with water.

Lemon and honey For this, mix lemon juice in honey. Leave this paste on your face for twenty minutes. After this wash the face first with warm water and then after that with cold water. Now clean your face with a towel. Apply it only once a week.

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Banana and honey For this, first, grind the banana properly. Now mix one spoon honey and one spoon lemon in it. Leave it on the face for twenty minutes. After this wash the face with warm water.

Use while taking a bath For this, you add 2 tbsp of honey to hot water. Mix it in water until it mixes well in water. Now take a good bath with this water.

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