Using Google Maps. People trapped in such place that...

Today, tomorrow's people rely less on themselves and more on technology. Simply speaking, Google Maps is used by everyone nowadays. It's become very easy to find a way out in today's world. Wherever people go, using Google Maps can easily reach that place. People using Google Maps will be surprised to know that Google can also tell the wrong way. Many a time it happens that you get to his say and get somewhere else. That's what you're going to tell you about recently.

In fact, according to reports, the accident happened on the road leading to Colorado International Airport, Pena Boulevard. That led to jamming there. In this case, airport visitors are quick because they have to arrive early and check in and get a boarding pass. Not only that, Google Maps described the driver as a shortcut because of the road jam. Trains going to the airport got a fire on the back of one after which all the trains went into the mud.

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The road was rained a few days ago, the road was raw and there was a lot of mud. This also made it difficult to divert trains. According to the report, the two trains running at the forefront were badly stuck in the mud, causing the rear train to run 100.

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