Public places will not have sanitizing tunnel and spray

To prevent coronavirus, the government has banned the spraying of sanitizing tunnel and other substances in public places. The Health Department has issued orders to the DMs and CMOs of all the districts in this regard. Directions have been given by the department that such measures being adopted to disinfect the virus are contrary to the guidelines of the Central Government and the World Health Organization.

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According to the order issued by Additional Secretary Health Couple Kishore Pant, according to the guidelines of the World Health Organization, there is no scientific basis to spray sanitizing tunnel or alcohol, chlorine, Lysol to prevent coronavirus. No guidelines have been given by the Center and WHO to adopt such measures. Along with this, sanitizing tunnel has been installed at the main gate of Niranjanpur Mandi in Dehradun. Similarly, such activities are being done in other public places of the state to prevent corona infection. Use of such substances can be harmful. The Health Department has ordered all districts to ban such activities.

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The Niranjanpur Mandi Committee has purchased a sanitizing tunnel machine for Rs. 85 thousand to prevent the spread of corona infection among the people visiting the mandi daily. In this machine, half a litre of sodium hydrochloride was mixed with 500 litres of water and was disinfected.

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