Chances of rain in Uttarakhand today, 158 roads blocked

Dehradun: Right now the rainy season is going on. Meanwhile, some cities of the state including Dehradun, the capital of Uttarakhand, may receive light to moderate rainfall on Monday. According to the Weather Department, there is a possibility of rain in many parts of the state. Weather director Bikram Singh said in his statement that light to moderate rain is expected at the moment. In the next few days, a system of maximum rainfall can occur.

Meanwhile, 158 roads in the state are now blocked. Traffic is completely disrupted due to debris on these roads. In these, the machinery of Lonivi is engaged on a war footing to open major routes immediately. Till Friday, 235 roads in the state were blocked due to debris and rocks. The departmental machinery opened these paths, but due to the highest rainfall, these roads were also blocked. Due to monsoon, 1465 routes have been blocked so far, out of which 1307 routes have been opened. Most of these routes are being interrupted repeatedly and constant efforts are being made to open them.

More young people in the state are vulnerable to corona in the state. 58 percent of youth aged 21 to 40 were found to be corona infected. In the age group of 0 to 10, 4.30 percent have got corona infection. While not more than 90 percent of the age group is infected. The effect of corona infection in the state was more among the youth. So far in the 141 days of the Corona period, more than seven thousand infected people have been exposed in the state. More than half of these infected people are in the age group of 21 to 40.

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