Video!! A Student brutally thrashed and forced to Chant, “Allahu Akbar’and 'Jai Mata Di'

 These days the instances of mob lynching and making the video of the incident are increasing day by day. A student of the ICFAI Foundation for Higher Education (IFHE) in Hyderabad. A student was thrashed by his seniors after an alleged objectionable comment on Prophet Muhammad. He was forced to raise slogans of ‘Allahu Akbar’, 'Jai Mata  Di'. The students have also been booked for attempt to murder.

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According to an official source, “On Nov 1, a few students of ICFAI Business School thrashed a student in the campus hostel room for his alleged comments against Prophet Mohammed. He was made to raise slogans of 'Jai Mata Di' and 'Allah Hu Akbar'. Case registered under TS Prohibition of Ragging Act.”


Police official said, “The victim student has filed a complaint stating that he was physically and sexually harassed by 15-20 individuals in his hostel room on campus. FIR registered u/s 307, 323, 450, 342, 506 r/w 34 IPC, Sec4 (i)(ii) of Telangana Prohibition of Ragging Act.”  

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The videos of the incident have gone viral on social media. The alleged incident took place on November 1st at a business school under Shankerpalli police station area in Telangana. The junior student was assaulted at the business institute's hostel campus. As the videos went viral, police said they were informed that collage management have initiated action against all the students including the junior student. The students who thrashed their junior come from both Hindu and Muslim communities. The viral video shows the students beating their junior and forcing making him to chant 'Jai Mata Di' and 'Allah Hu Akbar.

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