Video: Health is the benefits of Pavanamuktasana

International Day of Yoga is celebrated on 21st June every year. Every day Prime Minister Narendra Modi shares an animated video of a Yogasana. We're going to tell you another video of the posture that's beneficial for your health. Pawan Muktasan is also known as The Wind Releasing Position. Also, know its benefits and how to.

Wind release is very beneficial for the abdominal. This yoga relieves gastric, stomach failure and vata. It also reduces excess fat in the stomach. Relieves constipation.

This posture is beneficial even in groin pain, cyatica, heart disease, arthritis. It is very beneficial for women to do this in uterine disease. This posture relieves the spine and tension present in the lower part of the waist.

Strengthens the muscles. Wind release is the best posture to improve digestion. This posture relieves stomach ailments. People who are constantly suffering from gas, constipation and abdominal pain should perform daily wind-free.

How to do Pavanamuktasana To do this, first lie down on the back floor. Place both hands near the waist, then twist the legs. Now hold the foot with your hand and lift the head and take the hand to the head. Stay in the same position for a while, then return to normal. You can also practice this video by watching it.

also read: Use this Yoga posture to get rid of the cervical pan

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