Many countries placed orders to buy Russian Corona vaccine even after criticism

On Wednesday, Vietnam's Health Ministry has issued a big statement regarding the Russian COVID-19 drug. This country has got the vaccine registered for purchase. Television confirmed on Wednesday that there had been no new case of coronavirus in South East Asian country for a long time. However, now again new cases are coming out. State broadcaster Vietnam Television (VTV) reported that the country would continue to develop its own Corona drug, despite being offered vaccines from Russia. So far, 21 deaths have occurred due to coronavirus in Vietnam. Total of 911 coronavirus cases have been reported so far in the country.

Russia was at the forefront of developing medicine to get rid of the Corona epidemic. Recently, the country claimed to be the world's first to develop corona drug. However, a lot of questions are being raised about that vaccine, but on Tuesday, President Vladimir Putin described the vaccine made in Russia as safe. The President had said that the first doses of this medicine given to his daughter. It was also told that till now orders have been received for lakhs of vaccines from twenty countries.

President Putin said that one of his daughters has also taken a dose of this medicine. He gave this information at a meeting on Tuesday. The President had said that this vaccine has proved to be effective in tests and it is effective in developing immunity from coronavirus. President Putin had said that many necessary tests were done for the vaccine. He further told that one of his two daughters took a dose of this medicine, and she has no side effects, she is absolutely fine.

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