Want to increase Appetite naturally? follow these simple tips

Make ginger your food-buddy Apart from the strong flavor, the oil contained in ginger helps remove the intestinal gas during the process of digestion. Mix half a teaspoon on ginger water with boiling water and consume the same twice a day. You can make the most of the health benefits of ginger by simply including it in your daily cooking.

Include fruits and vegetables Fruits like black berries, apples, guava, oranges and grapes are known to act as hunger stimulants. Besides, vegetables like tomatoes, coriander leaves and bitter greens like kale, broccoli, etc help stimulate digestion by helping the body release more digestive juices and enzymes.

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Gain control over your routine This plays an important role in increasing your appetite. You need to sleep and wake up on time, exercise regularly, eat at regular intervals and drink lots of water to aid proper functioning of your body.

Drink Fennel tea Fennel seeds stimulate the production of bile by the liver, thereby promoting digestion. Boil a teaspoon of fennel seeds and half a teaspoon of fenugreek seeds with 2-3 cups of water. Strain and drink; consume this tea once or twice a day for best results.

Embrace Yoga Practising yoga poses like Surya Namaskar, Kapalbhati Pranayama , Pawanmuktasana and Paschimottanasana a daily basis for at least 30-45 minutes helps improve digestion too. to a great extent.

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