Monsoon will be delayed this year, Meteorological Department forecasts

New Delhi: Amid the outbreak of Corona, now everyone is waiting for the monsoon, but people may have to wait a little longer. According to the meteorological department's estimate, the southwest monsoon onset in Kerala is expected to be delayed by four days. It is expected to reach its southern state on June 5.

According to the information, there may be a delay of four days in Kerala in the southwest monsoon this year. The meteorological department of India has given information in this regard on Friday. The department has said that the monsoon will hit the southern state by June 5. The Meteorological Department said, "This year the monsoon in Kerala will be slightly delayed compared to the normal date. The monsoon can come in the state till June 5. "With the arrival of monsoon in Kerala, the four-month rainy season officially begins in the country.

The forecast of the Meteorological Department about the monsoon is almost correct. Last year, the Meteorological Department had predicted that the monsoon would arrive in Kerala by June 6. The monsoon reached Kerala on June 8, two days later. At the same time, in 2018, the meteorological department predicted the date of monsoon to reach Kerala on May 29, its day arrived. Therefore, this time too, the possibility of the monsoon arriving around June 5 is being expressed.

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