Weather Update: Chances of rain in these states during 24 hours

Light to moderate rains is expected over Gujarat, South East Madhya Pradesh, Sub-Himalayan West Bengal, Sikkim, eastern parts of Bihar, Jharkhand, North Chhattisgarh, Jammu and Kashmir, Ladakh in the next 24 hours amid the epidemic corona lockdown. Sky Met Weather, a private agency that provides weather forecasts, has given this information.

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Over the next 24 hours, heavy to moderate rains are expected over coastal Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, South Chhattisgarh, Vidarbha, Marathwada, coastal Karnataka, South Konkan, and Goa and Gangetic West Bengal, according to Sky Met Weather. Light to moderate rain is likely over Kerala, Interior Maharashtra, Coastal Odisha, Interior Karnataka, and North East India. The monsoon knocked in Bengal on Friday morning. The rain has started in various districts of the state including Kolkata. IMD Deputy Director-General Anand Sharma said that the monsoon is moving at the right pace. It has reached in a large part of Karnataka and Maharashtra. Not only this, it has also knocked over the rest of Odisha. In the next 48 hours, it will reach most parts of Chhattisgarh, as well as the southern part of Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh as well as Bihar.

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The capital of the country, Delhi will have to wait a long time for the monsoon. According to news agency ANI, Sharma has said that we have to see now when it enters Madhya Pradesh and then Uttar Pradesh. Only then it will knock in Delhi. Meteorologists have predicted good rains in Bengal in the coming days. There will be good rains all over the country throughout the month of June, which will be helpful in the cultivation of the Kharif crop. On the other hand, south-west monsoon winds have also entered all areas of Sikkim.

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