West Discom drive against big power bill defaulters

Indore: Madhya Pradesh Western Region Power Distribution Company has started a drive against big power bill defaulters in the city. Teams have been formed in each of the five divisions in the city, which will reach the door-steps of the defaulters and cut their connection if they would not pay the bill.

The team would comprise 15 employees including two to three engineers. The West Discom stated that the teams have started work from Monday itself. On the very first day of the drive, connections at 20 places were cut. The teams would intensify their drive from Tuesday. West Discom city superintendent engineer Kamesh Srivastava said in the first phase a list of 500 defaulters have been identified on whom an amount of more than Rs 50000 is pending. "These consumers are not paying the bills on time despite repeated reminders. Sometimes they misbehave with a low ranked official when they go for recovering the dues," he said.

Srivastava stated that this is a reason big teams have been formed by the division engineers for recovery of amounts so that the consumers can't misbehave with individuals. "If the pending electricity bills are not repaid, then the connection will be cut immediately. If disruption is made by the consumer in official work then legal action will be taken against them," he added. The teams have planned to act against 50 bill defaulters every day. On Monday, the West Discom cut connections of nearly 20 consumers on who had outstanding of more than Rs 1 lakh.

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