The color and shape of the nails tells about your health, how to know?

Our body parts open up a lot of secrets about our personality. Yes, and by looking at the body parts, it can be found out what kind of person in front of you is. The colour of normal healthy nails is like a flash and the ends are white in colour. At the same time, the changing colour and shape of the nail give many indications about your health. So today we tell you how by looking at the nails you can find out about someone's health- 

Formation of pits in the nail - With ageing, the shape of the nail becomes spoon-shaped. However, if the shape of your nails has become spoon-shaped at a young age, then it indicates that your body is not able to digest iron properly. In fact, it can also be anaemia, hemochromatosis or Plummer-Vinson syndrome. In such a situation, get a blood test done to check the level of iron.  

Darker lines under the nails— if black or brown lines form under your nails, it could be a sign of melanoma—which is a type of cancer. Actually, it is skin cancer but can also occur in the nails. At the same time in darker individuals, it can also be caused only by the deposition of pigments. To see a skin doctor for this.

Yellow nails- The yellow colour of the nails indicates fungal infection. Yes and such nails indicate thyroid or diabetes. At the same time, a rare disease called Yellow Nail Syndrome (YNS) is found in people who have a problem related to the lungs or whose hands and feet are often swollen.

Blue or green nails- Blue nails indicate a lack of oxygen or toxicity. At the same time, green nails are caused by a bacterial infection called paronychia.

Broken nails - Repeated breakage of the nails indicates their weakening. This condition of the nails indicates that your body is lacking in essential nutrients.  

Faded-coloured nails- Lightening of the colour of the nail is a common sign of ageing, however, in some cases, faded nails also indicate some disease or the other. Such as lack of blood in the body, malnutrition, liver disease or heart failure, etc.

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