Lockdown to end on May 3?

After the lockdown and other important work, more than 3 million cases of corona infection have been reported all over the world. More than two lakh people joined the cheeks of Kaal. The situation in India is also worrying. In more than 31 thousand cases, one thousand people have lost their lives so far. Like other countries, the way the Government of India sees the best way to prevent infection is lockdown, but it has stopped the wheel of life and economy.

Talking about the long lockdown that is hurting the economy, but if everything goes well, India can open the lockdown from next Monday i.e. May 3. People can return to work. Even though schools, colleges, bars, cinemas are not open at the moment, but the lock of shops which come within primary services and the crowd does not gather. According to experts, if the situation continues like this, the economy may collapse.

If you do not know, then tell that in the coming time there is a possibility of corona infection and spread. If the lockdown is lifted on 3 May, the Wuhan model will have to be adopted in India, where a five-member 1800 team was formed for a population of 10 million, going to the ground and marking Corona-positive patients. In India, the government is promoting the Aarogya Setu mobile app, but neither it has enough users nor will it be able to confirm the patients.

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