When there was back pain, the person slept after eating painkillers, when he woke up in the morning, he became lame

It is very common to have pain or stiffness in the body. Many times, the problem of backpain is seen while doing something or in the wrong way of sitting. Which can be cured with normal exercise. But sometimes these problems increase a lot. For which you have to go to the doctor. Recently, an incident has come to the fore where the person went to the doctor due to the problem of back pain, but something happened to him that would make you think. Actually, one day this man woke up and felt some problem in his leg, after that, he became completely paralyzed. Let's know about this whole matter...

Actually, 46-year-old Mark Burroughs was facing backpain problem for several weeks. One day Mark went to the doctor after the problem increased too much. The doctors saw him and sent him home with some strong painkillers. Mark does the work of installing tiles and after the doctors give painkillers, Mark returns to his work. But after a few weeks, when Mark woke up one day, he was unable to use his leg. Thereafter, both his legs stopped working and he became paralyzed. Doctors say that he will probably never be able to walk again.

Mark's MRI scan was done, in which it was found that his spine (spinal cord) had contracted, which puts pressure on the spinal nerves. There are no symptoms in the beginning of the shrinkage of the spine and later it causes back pain and pain in the legs. If there is a shrinkage in the spine, it can lead to complete numbness of the body and the chances of having a stroke or paralysis greatly increase.

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