WHO Scientist's Safety Advice: School Openings Must Be Prioritised with Distancing, Masking

World Health Organization (WHO) Chief Scientist Dr. Soumya Swaminathan said School openings must be prioritized while maintaining proper health and hygiene

Taking to Twitter note, Dr. Swaminathan said, "The impact on children's mental, physical and cognitive wellbeing will last a long time. School openings must be prioritized with distancing, masking, avoiding indoor singing and gatherings, hand hygiene and vaccination of all adults”. It is to be noted, the impact on children's mental, physical and cognitive wellbeing will last a long time. School openings must be prioritized with distancing, masking, avoiding indoor singing and gatherings, hand hygiene and vaccination of all adults.

In a tweet by the not-for-profit Ms. Swaminathan Research Foundation, it informed, "Greatest Impact of Covid-19 is the indirect effect on education by shutting down of schools around the world. 1.5 billion children were suddenly out of school and it affecting their education, says Dr. Donald Bundy"

The WHO chief scientist went on to say, "I know everybody is tired, everyone wants to meet their family, organize parties. But this is not the time to let down your guard. Let's be careful for another six months. By then, if the vaccination coverage is very high, then things should definitely start improving."

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