Why diabetes occurs, know the symptoms, what to eat and what not and home remedies

Nowadays, due to the deteriorating lifestyle, people are taking many diseases in their grip. With a weak heart, today a person is falling prey to high BP, becoming a victim of heart attack and becoming a patient of diabetes. Today we will talk about diabetes. In fact, having diabetes is very common in today's time. Nowadays, not only older people but also young people and children are easily falling prey to this disease. First of all, let us tell you that this is such a dangerous disease, which gradually hollows the body. Once it becomes a serious disease, after that it supports you for life, but you can avoid it to a great extent by taking care of yourself or you can keep it balanced. In fact, this disease occurs due to increased blood sugar and insulin does not work properly. At the same time, ignoring it can cause other parts of the body to become inactive. Now today we are going to tell you how diabetes is caused, what are the causes of diabetes, what are the symptoms of diabetes, how can it be avoided, what can be eaten - what not and which yoga can be done?

How does diabetes occur - let us tell you that when the insulin reaching the pancreas of our body decreases, then the level of glucose in the blood increases at that time. Such a condition is given the name of diabetes. Let us tell you that insulin is a hormone and it is made by the digestive gland. On the other hand, talking about its function, it works to convert food into energy inside the body. Yes and this is the hormone that controls the amount of sugar in our body. Let us tell you that due to diabetes, the body has difficulty in making energy from food and in such a situation the increased level of glucose starts harming various organs of the body. Let us tell you that women are less in the grip of this disease but men come more. However, diabetes is mostly hereditary and due to lifestyle changes. In this list, hereditary is called type-1 and diabetes due to irregular lifestyle is called type-2. Let us tell you that under the first category, those people come in whose family any of the parents, grandparents have diabetes, then the family members are more likely to get this disease. On the other hand, if you reduce physical exertion, do not get enough sleep, have irregular diet and consume mostly fast food and sweet foods, then diabetes takes you in your grip soon.


Symptoms of diabetes-

dry throat or frequent thirst sudden weight gain or loss frequent urination loss of eyesight delayed healing of any injury or wound itchy sores on the hands, feet, and genitals frequent eruptions Dizziness irritability Tiredness Headache increased appetite Restlessness cupcake to sweat fainting may have a stroke behavioral change persistent body aches kidney failure

What to eat if you have diabetes

Eat fruits- If you are diabetic, then pay attention to your diet. If you have diabetes, you can include amla, papaya, cantaloupe, guava, jamun, lemon and orange in your diet. Apart from this, keep in mind that at least 100 to 150 grams of fruits must be eaten every day.

Eat vegetables- If you are diabetic, then vegetables can include okra, cucumber, capsicum, carrot, broccoli, turnip, cucumber, pumpkin, mustard greens, cabbage, cauliflower, radish, tomato and bitter gourd. These are the best vegetables for you and if you want, you can eat fenugreek, spinach and other green vegetables in addition to them.

Dairy products – If you are diabetic, then in addition to vegetables and fruits, you can consume low-fat milk, yogurt or cheese in limited quantities. It is advised by doctors and especially in diabetes, curd and milk can prove to be beneficial, although you have to eat it in limited quantity. If seen, along with curd, milk can also be excellent in the diet for diabetics, but keep in mind that nothing is to be consumed excessively.


Eat non-veg- Consumption of protein is beneficial for you and for this you must also include eggs, fish in your food, because it can help in keeping you healthy.

Apart from all these, you should start consuming cereals, oats, brown rice, beans and lentils, almonds, walnuts, pistachios, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds and flaxseeds, olive oil, sesame oil as it helps your health. may be more beneficial.


What not to eat

Raisins- If you are diabetic then you should eat dryfruits but leave out the raisins. Yes, you should avoid eating it. Yes, raisins are sweet and if you consume them then it can increase the blood sugar level. Because of this, diabetic patients should not eat raisins.

Chikoo- If you are diabetic then you can eat fruit but not chikoo. You must avoid eating chikoo. In fact, chikoo is one such pulse which is the sweetest to eat, not only this, but its glycemic index is also very high. Because of this it is not suitable for diabetic patients. At the same time, apart from chikoo, eat less banana, apple, mango, litchi and grapes.


White Bread and Full Fat Milk - If you are a diabetic patient, then you should not eat white bread even by mistake. You should also give up the food in which starch is high. This list includes white bread, flour, pasta and other starchy things that can harm you. Apart from this, you should not drink full fat milk. In fact, excess fat increases the amount of insulin. Keep in mind that you try to drink low fat milk instead.

Potato- If you are diabetic, then reduce or stop eating potatoes. Yes, eating more potatoes can be harmful for sugar patients. Let us tell you that potatoes are high in carbohydrates and at the same time, the amount of glycemic index in it is also very high. In such a situation, eating potatoes can increase blood sugar. Apart from this, do not eat Arabic and Shakargandi.

Do not eat sweets - quit while reducing sweet food. Diabetic patients should avoid sweets. Forget eating chocolates, sweets, pastries, cakes and ice creams and if you want to eat then eat sugar free.

Cold drinks, sherbet - if you are fond of both these things then forget them too. Apart from this, you also start staying away from marmalade and sugary drinks.

Coconut oil and Ghee- If you are diabetic, then leave these two things in moderation as well because they can also cause serious and big harm to you.

Home remedies to avoid diabetes

Jamun seeds- Jamun seeds can be used if you are a diabetic patient. To use it, dry and grind the kernels of jamun and after that make its powder. After that take it in the morning on an empty stomach with lukewarm water. Doing this will help you control diabetes.

Fig leaves- If you are a diabetic patient, you can chew fig leaves on an empty stomach or if you want, you can boil these leaves in water and drink it because it also keeps you diabetes under control.


Fenugreek- Fenugreek can be great for diabetic patients. Yes, fenugreek seeds are the most beneficial and eating them keeps blood sugar under control. To eat them, soak a spoonful of fenugreek seeds in a glass of water overnight and then drink the water along with the seeds on an empty stomach in the morning. Keep in mind that after this, do not eat anything else for about half an hour.

Garlic and Cinnamon- To use garlic, soak 2-3 buds of it in water overnight and eat them after chewing them on an empty stomach in the morning. By doing this you will benefit. Apart from this, you can also take the help of cinnamon. For this, take half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder daily. You will benefit greatly by doing this.

Aloe Vera and Amla – Both of these are excellent for diabetic patients. You can drink aloe vera juice as drinking eco helps in controlling blood sugar. In fact, aloe vera contains elements like hydrophilic fiber, glucomannan and phytosterols, which keep blood sugar low. Talking about amla, it is also beneficial for diabetics. Blood sugar level can be reduced in 30 minutes after eating amla.


Neem leaves and basil leaves- Chewing neem leaves and drinking juice can control diabetes. In fact, neem has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties and if we talk about basil leaves, then anti-oxidants are found in them. The cells found in it increase the secretion of insulin and you will benefit from chewing two to three basil leaves on an empty stomach in the morning. By the way, if you want, you can also drink basil juice.

You can drink green tea- Green tea is rich in polyphenols. Yes and it is an active anti-oxidant which controls blood sugar. You can drink green tea twice a day in the morning and evening.



Drumstick leaves juice and wheatgrass- If you want, you can consume the juice of drumstick leaves to control diabetes. For this, grind the leaves and squeeze it and consume it on an empty stomach in the morning. By doing this the sugar level will not increase. Apart from this, you can use wheat plants. The juice of small wheat plants eradicates even incurable diseases from the root and its juice matches forty percent of human blood. You can consume it in the amount of half a cup every morning and evening.

Other remedies- You can regularly take two spoons of neem juice, four spoons of banana leaf juice in the morning and evening and four spoons of amla juice, decoction of gudmar leaves in the morning and evening. Both of these are panacea home remedies for diabetes control.


Yoga to reduce diabetes

Vakrasana- This asana helps in massaging the internal organs. Along with this, it can facilitate better insulin production in diabetics.

Supta Matsyendrasana- This asana massages the internal organs and puts pressure on the abdominal organs, which improves the pancreas and endocrine system.


Surya Namaskar- Surya Namaskar is most useful in the management of diabetes and has many other benefits as well.

Dhanurasana- Dhanurasana activates the pancreas. Along with this, insulin hormone, which controls blood sugar in the body, is produced by the pancreas itself. Yes and Dhanurasana makes all the abdominal organs strong and at the same time gives relief from stress.


Kapalbhati Pranayama - Kapalbhati Pranayama is considered very beneficial for diabetics. Yes, this asana strengthens the nerves of your body and nerves of the brain. Apart from this, it also gives energy to the body.

Ardha Matsyendrasana- Diabetics should do Ardha Matsyendrasana (Yoga to control diabetes). With this, along with massaging the abdominal organs, the spinal cord also becomes strong.

Paschimottanasana - Paschimottanasana should be done to control high blood sugar.

Shavasana- Any diabetic patient (tips to control diabetes) can do this asana easily.

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