Women absconding with a 6-day-old child, questions raised about hospital safety

Jashpurnagar: A case of a big lapse in the security system of the hospital has come to light. In which a great carelessness has been seen. For the first time, the woman took a 6-day-old baby from the hospital's infant ward. The same woman has been caught in CCTV in the hospital after the theft of the child. After the theft, the child's mother is in a bad state. After the matter came to light, the hospital management immediately informed the police of the city police. Due to this incident, many questions are also being raised about the safety of the hospital.

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Chandramuni, a resident of Raikona, was admitted for delivery in the district hospital on Monday. On Thursday, she gave birth to a child in the district hospital. The treatment of both mother and child was being done in the district hospital itself. A woman enters the PPC ward at the hospital at around 2 pm on Tuesday afternoon. After reaching the bed of the same Chandramuni, taking the name of one of his acquaintances, he has got leave from Chandramuni. This question asks when Chandramuni denied knowing about it, the woman started talking to him and informed him about coming here. After this, she sat on her bed. After some time he took Chandramuni's child in his lap and started talking to him. When the same Chandramuni told the woman that she had to be photographed to fill the mother's security form, the woman lured Chandramuni to take care of the child at this time. Chandramuni walked out of the ward to pull the photo. As soon as Chandramuni came out, the woman also came down from the first floor with the child and passed through the back door with the child.

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The woman who had stolen the child reached the district hospital at 10 am. He stood near the main gate and talked to someone on the mobile for 15 to 20 minutes. After talking on mobile for some time, the child was seen wandering in the women's hospital premises in the context of theft. The incident took place at around 2 pm in the PPC ward on the first floor of the hospital. As soon as the case of child theft was discovered from the hospital, then the information was immediately given to the police of the city. Police is trying to find out from the CC TV footage. The search for the woman has been issued as soon as the information about the child is stolen from the same hospital. On Tuesday, questions are being raised on the security arrangements of the district hospital after the case of child theft in the district hospital. 15 security guards, as well as 12 city soldiers, have been deployed for security in the district hospital. 

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