Heart disease is increasing in women, know its preventive measures

Cardiovascular disease is often seen as a disease associated with men. Because of this the symptoms of heart diseases are usually ignored by women. While complications can develop in women as well. Therefore women also need to focus on their heart health.

Read these important tips before choosing a package for health checkup!

There is a prevalent myth that premenopausal women are less likely to develop heart attacks due to protection from estrogen. However, clinical experience and research suggest that heart diseases hit women in the same way as men. In case of a heart attack, the condition of women becomes serious and the chances of survival are also reduced. Let us know what women should do in this situation and how it can be prevented.

Periods also change with increasing age, know more information here!

To avoid heart problems, women should keep the following points in mind. -Don't ignore regular heart checkups. - Exercise at least 30 minutes per day. - Do not smoke, the risk of heart diseases in women who smoke increases at a young age. Even passive smoking is dangerous and exposure should be avoided. - Do not consume more than 30 mL of alcohol per day. - Pay attention to healthy eating habits. - Do not ignore problems such as chest pain or heaviness on the left side, difficulty in breathing, fatigue, restlessness with sweating, nervousness or sudden increase or decrease in blood pressure, consult a doctor immediately.

These problems in women are related to fibroid or uterine lump

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