These problems in women are related to fibroid or uterine lump
These problems in women are related to fibroid or uterine lump

Many women have problems with uterine neoplasia or lumps of the uterus, due to this disease many types of health problems can be disturbed by women, of which the biggest problem is infertility. Many times a lump is formed on the wall of the female uterus. These knots are made up of some cells and tissues of the uterus itself. Let's first know what a fibroid is.

When the uterus muscle begins to grow abnormally, it is called fibroid. It is a type of tumor that is not responsible for cancer. When this lump starts to form, its size is equal to or even smaller than the grain of wheat. But it can be equal to a growing grape or a small ball. In the beginning, women do not have any problem, but when the size of these lumps increases, women may have problems.

It is worth noting that if you have a lot of bleeding during periods and your periods last for more than 1 week, then women should not ignore this sign at all. Because it can be a sign of fibroid. This can cause women to have difficulty in becoming a mother as well as many health problems like obesity, body aches etc. If a woman always has pain in the abdomen, especially in the lower abdomen and the stomach starts to grow, then it can be a sign of fibroid. This sign is considered dangerous for women. If a woman's body gives such an indication, she should immediately seek the advice of a doctor so that this problem can be avoided.

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