According to a new study, women who work close to 45 hours a week have a very high risk of developing type 2 diabetes, the Daily Mail reported. While the same is not the case with men. If they work for hours they will overcome some issues but they will go through the diabetes problem as of women. In an experiment, 7,065 workers were examined for the study. The team found longer hours increased a woman's risk by 63%. The study claims the long hours causes people to eat unhealthy food, which can lead to the condition. The same amount of time decreased a man's risk of the disease. Lead researcher, Mahee Gilbert-Ouimet believes the difference boils down to the fact that women primarily take care of the household duties outside of work. Dr. Gilbert-Ouimet, a postdoctoral student at Centre de recherche FRQS in Quebec, told the Daily Mail,"I expected these findings for women because they still assume twice the family responsibility compared to men, so when you sum up the amount of paid work and the amount of work at home compared to men, it makes sense." Just take care ladies! Oocyte Cryopreservation: A boon for ladies intending to delay family planning Alcohol consumption leads to reduced grey matter of brain