World Cerebral Palsy Day 2022: Millions Of Reasons

Every year on World Cerebral Palsy Day, we call on everyone to unite to celebrate and support persons who have cerebral palsy, embrace diversity, and work toward making the future more accessible for everyone. There are more than 1 billion persons with disabilities around the globe. But we continue to move through a world that was not intended to be accessible.

The cerebral palsy community, which is made up of millions of people with innovative ideas and lived experience, is the best person to assist us in our search for the next advancement in accessible technology on this World Cerebral Palsy Day. People and communities are adapting to significant changes brought on by COVID-19 all over the world. People with cerebral palsy are capable of adjusting to change, overcoming obstacles, and developing original solutions throughout their entire lives.

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The campaign slogan for 2021 was "Millions of Reasons." There are countless reasons to draw attention to cerebral palsy in order to encourage understanding and action. Every person with cerebral palsy is a cause to work toward making their future more accessible. This year's theme is going to be the 2022 Millions Of Reasons Campaign. 

Cerebral palsy: What is it?

The term "cerebral palsy" refers to a collection of neurological conditions that impede muscle coordination and movement permanently and first manifest in early childhood or infancy.

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Worldwide, there are more than 17 million persons with cerebral palsy (CP). The most typical physical impairment in children is cerebral palsy. Movement is the main aspect that is affected, however, people with CP may also experience visual, learning, hearing, speech, epilepsy, and cerebral problems. The effects can range from muscle weakness to nearly no voluntary movement. One in four children with CP are unable to talk, one in four are unable to walk (60 percent are independent ambulators, 10 percent walk with a cane, and 30 percent require a wheelchair), one in two have an intellectual handicap, and one in four have epilepsy. The handicap of CP is permanent, and there is no known cure.

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