World Homeopathic Day is celebrated in memory of this great man

Homoeopathic medicines are effective for treating any condition or disease; homoeopathy has been found to be more effective than a placebo in large-scale studies. Samuel Hahnemann is the father of homoeopathic medicine. It is based on the 'Principle of Similarities' of medicine, according to which drugs can cure diseases similar to those they can cause. The curative power of a drug depends on the symptoms it may produce. Which should be similar to the symptoms of the disease but stronger than them. Therefore, the disease can be destroyed and eliminated with utmost certainty, from the root, without delay and for ever, by the same medicine that can produce all the symptoms in the human body, which are stronger than the symptoms of the disease and very similar to the symptoms.

In the homoeopathic method, the main task of the doctor is to listen to the life history and symptoms told by the patient and choose the medicine that produces the same type of symptoms. The greater the similarity between the symptoms of the disease and the symptoms of the medicine, the greater are the chances of the patient being cured. The experience of the doctor is his biggest helper. The treatment of a chronic and difficult disease requires patience on the part of both the patient and the physician. Supporters of some systems of homoeopathy are of the opinion that the cause of the disease is the increase of noise in the body.

Homoeopathic practitioners believe that every living being has a tendency to maintain the functional norm of the senses, and when this norm is disturbed, the animal undergoes various reactions to achieve this norm. The creature is helped only in its endeavours by the medicine. Medicine should be given in small quantities because the patient is hypersensitive to the disease. A small amount of medicine is effective so that only one effect appears and there are no side effects. This monophasic effect is regulated upon restoration of health due to the altered conductivity of the tissues in disease. Scholars consider homoeopathy to be pseudoscience.

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