Anulom Vilom: Advantages Of Yoga For Asthma Patients

Asthma is a deadly disease. With the increase in pollution, the number of asthma patients is also increasing. Such patients face a lot of difficulty due to pollution. If this is not taken care of in time, it can be difficult. The best way to avoid this is to have a healthy lifestyle. A special part of it is yoga. Today we are going to give special yoga for this which can benefit you.

Pollution increases asthma Pollution adds to the discomfort of the substances. If it is not taken care of in time, the disease can be fatal. Yoga is very helpful in making the life of asthma patient hard. The Yoga-gurus believe that patients of Asthma can benefit if they perform Anulom Vilom every day.

What is Anulom Vilom​ It is a kind of respiratory posture. It is breathed in by one of the nose holes sitting in the Padmasan and the other is exhaled. This makes the lungs function properly and also cleans up the entire mess. It also relieves posture fatigue and depression. Asthma patients should do this posture every morning.

Benefits of Anulom Vilom in asthma Anulom Vilom is very beneficial for asthma patients. It not only prevents asthma but also protects the lungs. The biggest advantage is that through yoga, patients are able to control the breathing process. Gradually, the problem of breathing is normalized by practicing breathing. Yoga relaxes the muscles of the chest, leaving no breathing problems. In addition to yoga, meditation also helps a lot.

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