Youth must read these things of Chanakya

The future of the country depends on the young generation, because the youth is the backbone of the country. International Youth Day is celebrated every year on 12 August with the aim of empowering the youth, increasing their self-confidence and motivating them. India, which is called the country of youth, also celebrates National Youth Day on 12 January, which is celebrated as the birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda.

The importance of youth

Among the various stages of life, youth is the most important time. The work done during this time builds the future. If a youth acquires better education, knowledge, art-skills, and proper conduct at this time, then his life becomes successful. Such people reach a high stature and position in the future.

However, it is also true that mistakes made in youth can ruin life. The impact of some mistakes is such that one has to suffer the consequences for the rest of one's life. Therefore, especially the youth should avoid wrong actions at this time.

Chanakya Niti: Guidance for youth

Chanakya, who is famous for his Niti Shastra, tells the youth some important things that can shape their future. The eighth verse of the second chapter of Chanakya Niti states that both foolishness and youth are the cause of trouble.

According to Chanakya, stupidity is the biggest suffering in life because a fool does not know what is right and wrong, due to which he is deprived of the pleasures of life. Therefore, the youth should stay away from such people who can lead them on the wrong path.

Apart from this, Chanakya says that youth can also be a cause of misery, because desires are very strong at this age. If those desires are not fulfilled for some reason, then the person can get disappointed and lose his wisdom.

Chanakya's ideology: How youth can create their future

According to Chanakya's ideology, three important questions must be asked before starting any work:

Why am I doing this? What will be its consequences? Will I be able to succeed?

After thinking deeply on these questions, one should move forward only if satisfactory answers are found.

Chanakya also says that once a task is started, one should not be afraid of failure and should not leave it midway. People who work honestly are the happiest irrespective of success or failure.

Mantra to overcome fear

According to Chanakya, whenever fear appears, recognize it and attack it and eliminate it. Do not let fear dominate you, but face it with courage. On International Youth Day, it is important to understand how important it is to make the right decisions and avoid mistakes in youth. Chanakya's policies are like a guide for the youth, which inspires them to move in the right direction in life. Adopt these policies to make your life successful and happy and keep moving forward in life.

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