YouTube has deleted more than 1.1 million videos in India in the first three months of 2022 and globally, that number is quite large. Not only this, but YouTube has also deleted more than 4.4 million accounts for violating community guidelines in the first quarter of 2022. It is being told that most of these channels have been terminated due to a violation of company spam policies. According to the report, more than 90% of the videos that are deleted from Google's company YouTube have been removed due to being fake. On the other hand, due to the posting of violent content on YouTube, removing the Security and Privacy Guidelines, a lot of videos have also been removed. YouTube has removed such content that was repeatedly posted, repeated, many were about to target someone. In addition, those who promise something else to the channel or video users, and then they are redirected to another site, so that they get clicks, and they can make less money than that. Some channels send users to a website that contains threat software, and they collect the users' personal information from it. According to the information received, YouTube has also removed content that sells engagement metrics such as views, likes, comments or any other metric on YouTube. Youtube's rule to close down the YouTube channel states that if a channel violates the rule made by them three times within 90 days, then that channel is closed by the company. If a YouTube channel violates the rules more than 3 times, then all the videos made by that channel are also removed. Between January and March of 2022, YouTube deleted more than three million videos for violating the company's community guidelines. Of these, 91% of the videos were first captured by machines rather than by humans. Android users beware! Don't make this mistake even by forgetting, otherwise you will be pauper. Redmi's new phone will be charged in just 15 minutes. This powerful smartphone is available for just Rs 199.