13 tips on how to choose a used car
13 tips on how to choose a used car

Finding a good used car is not easy - anyone who has bought a new car at least once knows it. These tips will help you make the right choice.

1. Do not buy a car for all the money that you have

Leave 10–15% for repairs and unforeseen expenses. They will surely be, even if the car has a year and it is under warranty. Otherwise, the family budget will quickly begin to crumble.

2. Do not choose a car on the principle of “something at a cheap rate”

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Identify for yourself 2-3 models that you will be looking for. This will help not to be sprayed and not to make an unwise decision on emotions. Plus, you can explore the selected models on the forums, find out their typical problems, periods of service and understand the intricacies. All of this will facilitate the search at times.

3. Read the average price of the car you are interested in.

Most accurately, this can be done manually, recalling the fifth-grade math, or using the Price Statistics tab on the Avto.ru website. Knowing the average price, it will be easier to think, bargain and not fall into the hands of scammers and dealers.

4. Do not expect someone to sell a good car at a price lower than the average

If a person urgently needs money, he sells a car through intermediaries and instantly receives money. All other cars that are sold at a reduced price, broken or with legal problems. Or this ad from scammers.

5. The first conclusions about the car can be made more by the announcement

If there are disgusting photos and a description of two lines like "All questions by phone", "All THAT is on time, the car is in perfect condition" and so on, you can not even call. In 95% of cases, it is a middleman.

6. Talking on the phone gives a lot of information and saves time

Ask specific questions that cannot be answered in general. For example, which dealer has the car MOT? When was the last oil change? What's new in the car? Is the original TCP? How many owners are recorded in the TCP? How long does a person own a car on TCP? Is the person talking to the owner or helping someone with the sale? Is there a service book, work orders, and checks? And so on.

7. Before inspecting the machine, always check the documents.

This can be done on the website of the traffic police. To find out whether the car is in the pledge, please visit the traffic police website.

8. Track new offers

The best cars sell in a few days or even hours. Therefore, if you want to get the best car at the most attractive price, subscribe for updates on the model of interest to you in Avito or Avto.ru mobile apps and keep an eye out for them.

9. When buying a car at a car dealership, carefully read all the clauses of the contract

It should not take more than 5-6 pages. If they brought you a contract, then they took it away and brought it again, read it again: there may be changes that are unprofitable for you. If you buy a car on credit, read the conditions with triple attention. Informal dealers love to include hidden fees in the price and take a commission for refusing to deal.

10. To inspect the car rent a thickness gauge.

Look on the Internet, what the thickness of the paint should be in a particular car model, and measure it during the inspection. True, the thickness gauge is not a panacea, as sometimes the cars are painted specifically for the device or repair minor damages by CASCO.

It is necessary to look whether the gaps are the same from different sides of the machine, whether the paint is not knocked down from the bolts, whether there are traces of paint on the seals and moldings, whether shagreen and the color of the paint are different in different parts, whether the stamping and the headlights and the glass match, whether worn tires.

11. Do not believe the odometer readings.

Best of all, the mileage of the car gives the condition of the cabin: the driver's seat, steering wheel, armrest, and gearshift lever.

12. When you test drive, pay attention to all the details.

Check whether the steering wheel is level, does not divert the car during acceleration and deceleration, does not knock something in the suspension, does the air conditioning and electrical equipment work.

13. Before buying, drive the car into service.

If you liked the car in all respects and you have no doubts, be sure to go to the service and diagnose at least the suspension before concluding a sales contract. Ideally, the engine and electrics. It will cost a maximum of a couple of thousand rupees, but will save from buying a car in poor condition. In many cases, the diagnosis reveals the problems at the expense of which you can bargain well and definitely fight off its cost.

also read: Car Care: Tips for the Car owner

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