14-foot peculiar cockroach found in Indian Ocean
14-foot peculiar cockroach found in Indian Ocean

In today's time, there are many news which are astonishing. A strange animal has been found which will blow your senses. Recently, such a strange cockroach has been found in the Indian Ocean, which the viewers were surprised to see. It is being told that this cockroach has more legs than normal cockroaches and this cockroach is also much larger in size. We all have often seen that cockroaches running on the ground have 6 legs. But it is said to be a sea cockroach and has a total of 14 legs.

This strange cockroach has been seen in the Indian Ocean for the first time and seeing this, everyone's senses have flown. According to the information received, a researcher from Singapore has caught this cockroach. According to a website report, Peter Ng and his colleagues National University of Singapore have found it during marine research. After this cockroach has been exposed, its species has been biologically named "Bathinomus Rucksack". This cockroach can also be called deep-sea cockroach or giant sea cockroach. This cockroach lives in the deep part of the sea and it is difficult to find.

Recently, the research team of the National University of Singapore started a 14-day expedition in the deep sea off the coast of West Java, Indonesia. It has been discovered under this campaign. This cockroach is said to be a crustacean fauna of the marine isopod species. It looks very similar to the cockroaches of the land.

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