London: 16 people arrested in anti-lockdown protests, 9 policemen injured in clashes
London: 16 people arrested in anti-lockdown protests, 9 policemen injured in clashes

London: At around 16 people have been taken to rest after violence erupted in a lockdown protest in London's Trafalgar Square, while nine police officers were reported injured. According to a report, thousands of people gathered in Trafalgar Square on Saturday to participate in the protest and showed a variety of signs, flags and placards such as "We do not agree".

The people in the demonstration were neither masks nor were they following security measures like social disusing. While some protesters have accused the government of "torture" on people through widespread restrictions in an attempt to prevent the spread of corona virus, some likened the possible Covid-19 vaccine to ' cyanide '.

Some showed posters with a quote from nazi preacher Joseph Goebbels, who wrote, "If you tell a lie extensively and keep repeating it, ultimately people begin to believe in it." However, the protests turned violent after protesters grappled with police officers. While the protestors threw bottles at the police and began to shout ' take your side ', the authorities used lathi charge to control them.

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