194 kg doctor reduced 110 kg weight with just one thing without diet
194 kg doctor reduced 110 kg weight with just one thing without diet

It is said that if you want to see a change in your body, then first you have to change your thinking. Yes and it is absolutely true that before doing any work, one has to have a firm determination in the mind, the right process has to be followed, only then you can reach the goal. Now today we are going to tell you about a doctor who has reduced his weight of about 110 kg. Yes and by following only one thing. The name of the doctor we are talking about is Dr. Anirudh Deepak is (Dr. Anirudh Deepak) and he is 28 years old. He is from Chennai and his weight was 194.5 Kg which is now 83 Kg.

Doctor. Anirudh told in a conversation with a famous website, 'I was very fond of food and drink since childhood. That's why my weight gradually increased and I never paid any attention to it. I loved pizza, burger, hot-dog, fried food. I would not stop eating until my stomach was full, my cravings did not subside. Even when I got admission in college for MBBS in 2018, my eating habit did not improve. Then after some time my health got so bad that I had to be admitted to the hospital. At that time the doctors told me, if it continues like this, then I can get any serious disease in the next 3 months and my chances of survival are very less. That was the turning point of my life, when I decided in my mind that now I have to lose weight.

He further said, 'After this my friend asked to join a fitness community. When I met Vinod Vaitheeswaran (fitness trainer) trainer of that community, he asked me to measure my weight. I had never checked my weight before that. Then when I checked the weight on the weight machine for the first time, it turned out to be 194.5 kg. After this the trainer motivated me and then my fitness journey started. With the right combination of diet and workout, I have lost 110 kgs in almost 2 years.

With this Dr. Anirudh further said, 'I was determined in my mind that I have to lose weight in any condition. There was a lockdown during my journey but I did not cheat with my diet and workout during that time too. With this determination, I lost my 110 kg weight. However, after the weight loss, my skin was hanging. For that I got surgery and the doctors removed the extra skin. I did not diet, but lost weight with quantified nutrition. Quantified nutrition is that, in which you have to see the quantity of food, how much you are eating. At the same time, the calorie and quantity of that food also has to be taken care of. After this, attention is also paid to the amount of protein, fat, carb. I used to consume 2000 calories and over time I increased my activity.


Poha or Upma or Roti
soya chunks




rice or bread
Dal or Chana or Rajma

Evening snacks
whey protein

rice or bread
Desi cheese

Doctor. Anirudh further said, 'My diet kept changing according to the time. I used to eat something different and eat it. I just used to take care of the quantity of food according to the need of my body. By the time I started my journey in 2019, the lockdown was in place. Increasing physical activity in front of me was quite challenging. In such a situation, I ordered some dumbbells, plates and barbells in the house and exercised with them. Along with this, sometimes he used to do high intensity exercise, jump rope, circuit training, functional training. After that, when gyms opened, I always focused more on weight training. People used to see me and say that I should do cardio, not weight training. Also many local gym gurus used to give me various advices. But I did not listen to anyone and focused on weight training and my weight kept on reducing.

He further said, 'The thing that has helped me the most in reducing weight is my goal. I had thought in the beginning that I have to breathe only after reaching the destination. That's the only thing that didn't let me quit in the middle. Also, to lose weight, you should have the right diet and knowledge of physical activity, which only a good trainer can give. So always start your fitness journey by staying under a certified coach.

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