2 Ways to sculpt your face like a Kardashian with the help of a Gua Sha
2 Ways to sculpt your face like a Kardashian with the help of a Gua Sha

Over the past few years, we’ve been brought close to the East especially because of their outlook on beauty. Right from Korean to Japanese products, we’ve all been introduced to a plethora of products and tools that still blows our minds to this day. While we all know about the jade roller and all its benefits, the Gua Sha is the current favourite beauty tool the beauty enthusiasts are obsessed with and this is how you can use it to sculpt your face and enhance your features. 

This facial massage technique known as jade scraping dates back to centuries where women used flat stone to massage the face. It results in lymphatic drainage and gives you a natural glow while the stone’s scraping and gliding technique sculpt the face. Make sure to use ample facial oil so that the gua sha does not tug on the skin and glides on smoothly. 

Sculpt your jawline

Use the ridge on the gua sha and apply firm pressure on the centre of your chin and slowly pull it out towards your ears. This will ensure that the fat and accumulated lymph around the jawline finds a place to escape. Use the same motion and glide the gua sha down to your collar bone, this will also help drain the toxins down the neck. 

Cheekbones sculpting

You know how the models have a high cheekbone while the natural contour of their face helps enhance it, you can do the same with the help of a gua sha. Start with the ridge side at the bridge of your nose and gently glide the gua sha up till your hairline. Essentially start at the centre and move towards the ears. 


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