Ganga Saptami is on April 29, know Muhurat
Ganga Saptami is on April 29, know Muhurat

River Ganges is called the river of Gods and Goddess. Ganga is worshipped as a mother. Not only this, Ganga Saptami or Ganga Dussehra is also considered very important in Sanatan Dharma. On this day, Ganga was reborn and it is believed that on this day Mother Ganga came to earth. This time Ganga Dussehra or Ganga Saptami is on 29 April.

Saptami Date Start - 29th April at 3:15 pm
Saptami date ends - 30th April at 2.39 pm
Ganga Saptami Madhyam Muhurta - 10 AM to 38 AM
Duration - 2 hours 36 minutes

How Ganga came to Earth - According to ancient legend, Maharaj Bhagirath did the work to bring mother Ganga to earth. Ganga was ready to come to the earth after being happy with the austerity of Maharaj Bhagirath. But Ganga Maa was proud that no one could bear her velocity. When Ganga told Bhagirathi that no human on earth could bear her velocity, Bhagirathi started worshipping Lord Shiva. Shiva Shambhu, who had lost the suffering of his devotees, was pleased and asked Bhagirathi to ask for a bride. It is said that then Bhagirathi said the whole thing in front of Bhole.

As soon as Ganga started descending from heaven to earth, Lord Shiva imprisoned her in the jatas, taking away the pride of Ganga. She started flirting and apologized to Shiva. Then Shiva left him with his chatta on a small puddle. Whence the Ganges flowed in seven streams. In this way, the arrival of Ganga was done on earth.

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