4 Bad Mood-Busting Food Items
4 Bad Mood-Busting Food Items

Skipping meals and snacks can quickly lead to a mood slump because your brain needs a continuous source of fuel called 'food'. People who feast on junk like processed foods, chips, pizza and beer actually have a higher risk for low mood and depression than those who stick to a healthier diet. 

Here is some bad mood-busting food:

1. Swiss Chard - This leafy green is packed with magnesium--a nutrient essential for the biochemical reactions in the brain that increase your energy levels.

2. Asparagus - This vegetable is one of the top plant-based sources of tryptophan, which serves as a basis for the creation of serotonin, one of the brain's primary mood-regulating neurotransmitters. 

3. Greek Yogurt - Greek yogurt contains more protein than regular yogurt, making it a terrific stay-slim snack. Prevent blood pressure from skyrocketing by eating some fat-free yogurt, as it's low in sugar and high in magnesium.

4. Blue Potatoes - Blue spuds get their color from anthocyanins, powerful antioxidants that provide neuroprotective benefits like bolstering short-term memory and reducing mood-killing inflammation.


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7 Food You've been eating the wrong way your whole life

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