5 Genius ways to banish spots
5 Genius ways to banish spots

If you are suffering from acne problem then you will also suffer from blemishes or spots problem. Spots are blemishes marks which they leave behind.
Before you reach for that serum which will set you back a day's salary, here are some of the remedies for spots can be found in your own kitchen.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar can reduce the redness of your spots and exfoliate your skin. Mix one teaspoon with three tablespoons of water and apply to the area using a cotton pad.

Baking Soda
Baking soda helps to dry out your pimple. Mix one teaspoon with two tablespoons of water and apply the paste directly to your spots.

Manuka Honey
Manuka Honey can destroy harmful bacteria on your skin. Simply apply to your spots with a cotton bud.

Lemon has powerful antibacterial properties. This means it can be used to disinfect the area around your spots, preventing future breakouts. Just squeeze some lemon juice into a bowl and apply to the area with a cotton bud.

One of the cheapest skincare heroes around is an ice cube. Placing them in a thin cloth and on to your skin will reduce redness and swelling.

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