5 Ayurvedic and Natural ways to get rid of Dark Circles
5 Ayurvedic and Natural ways to get rid of Dark Circles

These days dark circles are very common due to stressful life, heavy working hours, less sleep, an unbalanced diet, and various other reason. The chemical product which you use to treat dark circles can affect your skin. Here are some easy Ayurvedic remedies to get rid of Dark Circles.

 Aloe vera gel/ Raw Potato/ Rosewater: These are effective moisturizers and have anti-inflammatory properties. Wash the lower part of your eyes with moist cotton and massage aloe vera pulp under your eyes for 10 minutes. You need not rinse unless it gets sticky. Wash it with normal water if you find it uncomfortable.

Kumkumadi oil: Kumkumadi Tailam is one of Ayurveda's most potent remedies for skin-related issues. It is most popular for reducing dark circles. Take two drops of oil on the palm of your hand. Gently massage the affected area with the oil using your ring finger. Do this for both the eyes and let it work overnight. Wash your face in the morning with cold water.

Lemon and Tomato Juice: Citric Acid is very beneficial for the treatment of Dark Circles. Take a small quantity of lemon juice and mix it with equal parts of tomato juice. Apply on the affected area with a patch of cotton. Let it dry and reapply. Leave it for 15 minutes. Wash your face with cold water. Repeat the process daily for good results.

 Tea Bags: You can use any tea bags for the treatment of your dark circles. You need to keep two soaked tea bags in the refrigerator for 10 minutes. Then you need to remove the outer layer and keep them on your eyes for 5-10 minutes. Once you have kept this on your face for some time, rinse with cold water. Repeat this activity for 1-3 times a day, you can get amazing results.

Mint Leaves:  It a natural astringent and shrinks the blood vessels around the eyes. It reduces the blue tint below the eyes and makes it more supple. Mint leaves also have vitamin C which makes the skin around the eyes become brighter. You can easily make a mint leaves mask by blending them with water and applying them in the affected area. Keep the mask for 10 minutes for best results and rinse with water.

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