5 things you should never do on your first date
5 things you should never do on your first date

When you are entering into a relationship you should be careful about many things. Well, we all have our first date story, and we all have experienced in our own way some has bitter memories and some took home sweet memories. And if you are one of them who is in a relationship and want to make your first meet a memorable one that there are few things that you should avoid on your first date. Here are a few pointers to help you prepare for the most awaited day:

Please be on time 

There is nothing as disappointing as a date who turns up late. Not only does it show that you are careless, but to keep a person waiting on a date will surely make him or she feel that you are not much interested in them. 

Nobody is interested in your past love 

Well, there is no doubt that being honest is highly appreciated, but it does not mean at all that you should start talking about your past love life incessantly. Take this advice and avoid this topic totally.

Avoid phones 

Kindly, please avoid phone calls when you are on your date. The world will not come to an end if you don’t check your phone when you are with him or her.

Don't grab too much food 

You should always take other person's opinion while ordering food, and please make sure that you should not order too much of food or too less.

 Don't get drunk

Isn’t it obvious? Ordering a drink or a two is great, but you should stop after the third drink. 

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