5 Thoughts that every Indian girl thinks on her wedding
5 Thoughts that every Indian girl thinks on her wedding

No doubt that many girls grow up dreaming about their wedding and wedding thoughts, not only this but they start dreaming about it in advance- their best bridal outfit will all get ready, from the photographer to last rituals of her wedding will fully prepared. But nothing can make a bride for what lies ahead. On her wedding day, she will go through many emotions that she was never aware of. From murderous rage to impulsive ideas, thoughts that dominate her mind can put anyone to shame. Let’s hear it from the horse’s, er…, bride’s mouth:

How will a bride pee? 

"Peeing will become your worst nightmare your arms safely stuck inside a bridal attire two sizes smaller than what you wear, and are overloaded with jewellery that will even put Bappi Lahiri to shame. I was constantly worried that what will I do if I feel like peeing!”

Baarat Fear 

one of the brides said that the as "hours passed by, my fear about the 'baraat' not arriving grew worse. The thought constantly kept running in my mind that something will go wrong, and I will be standing there all alone with hundreds of people staring at me."


One of the brides said that  “It was a very hard day for me. Despite planning everything quite in advance, nothing was going the way I wanted. I called my fiancé and suggested that we should elope because I could not take the pressure any longer. Luckily, he didn’t agree to it.”

About people in marriage 

“Funny as it might sound, I was shocked to see so many people attending my wedding. I kept wondering who are these people and how come I was never aware of their existence till now?”

Last but not the least 'sex'

One of the brides fears about her first night and said “I had an arranged marriage and was constantly worried about what would be our first night like. I have had a physical relationship prior to my marriage and had told my fiancé about it. Since he came from a very conservative family, I was a little worried that there might be some hiccups.”

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