55% Parents in India give financial support to their adult children
55% Parents in India give financial support to their adult children

About 50% of the world's parents, including India, are giving financial support to their children above the age of 18 years. This has come to light in a research. 

What does research say- HSBC's 'Facing the Future' research has shown that compared to Europe and America, in Asia, parents generally give more financial support to their adult children. 

Parents of these countries give children financial support: 

In the United Arab Emirates, 79 percent of the parents support their adult offspring. This is followed by Indonesia (77 percent), Mexico (59 percent), Malaysia (57 percent), China (55 percent) and India (55 percent). At the same time, the figure in Britain and America is very low at 30 percent and 26 percent. 

These countries were involved in research: 

This research has taken the opinion of 13,122 people from 13 countries and regions. Including Argentina, China, France, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, Singapore, Taiwan, United Arab Emirates, Britain, and America.

What does research's result indicate: 

Research has found that 48% of parents are doing this for 12 years or more and thus they continue giving financial support for more than 30 years of age. The majority of them mean 61% of parents believe that when the children grow up, they will become financially strong. 

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