71st death anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, observe as Martyr's Day
71st death anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, observe as Martyr's Day

NEW DELHI:  Mahatma Gandhi was killed on January 30, 1948. Today, the nation is observing Martyr's Day on Wednesday, January 30. Several politicians and national leaders took to social media to evocative on the sacrifice of the father of the nation. President Ram Nath Kovind tweeted as “On Martyrs’ Day, we gratefully remember Mahatma Gandhi and the countless freedom fighters who sacrificed their all for our Independence,” and Prime Minister Narendra Modi will inaugurate the National Salt Satyagraha Memorial in Gujarat's Dandi on Martyr's Day.


PM Modi tweeted as  “Tomorrow, on Bapu’s Punya Tithi, I will be in Dandi, the place from where Bapu challenged the might of colonialism. In Dandi, the National Salt Satyagraha Memorial will be dedicated to the nation. This is a tribute to Satyagrahis led by Gandhi Ji, who worked for India’s freedom.”

Finance Minister Arun Jaitley tweeted as “On Punya Tithi of Mahatma Gandhi, Father of the Nation, we remember his life and ideals and pay him our respectful tributes. Gandhi ji, always remained an inspiration for people globally to follow right path, the path of nonviolence in all their actions,”. Later in the day, the national leaders will pay tributes at the Gandhi's samadhi at Raj Ghat memorial.

Gandhi was murdered on January 30, 1948, while he was on his way to address a prayer meeting.

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