8 Indian Foods To Fight Off Fever!
8 Indian Foods To Fight Off Fever!

Fever is one of those diseases that can completely drain your energy, make you sick, lethargic and totally out of sync. You will have to rest, eat the medicines and the right food items to get well. One big side effect of suffering from fever is the failure to eat or lack of appetite. Sadly, one of the ways you can get better faster is to eat the right food. So, even though you are retching at the sight of food, the best way to get rid of your fever is to eat the right kind of food.

An essential thing to understand is that when you have a fever, the body is trying to fight the infection. You should fuel your body right and help it to fight the pathogens. The fuel here is the food that you eat every day and eating the right kind of foods can ensure that your body is strengthened to fight the infection. 

-Roti Meal

-Rice Platter

-Steamed Veggies


-Lentil Soups

-Curd Rice


-Poha Or Flattened Rice Dish

Hope you liked this article. Share any home remedies you would recommend for fighting fever with other health watchers here.


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