Chinese media responded ‘US cannot get seat for India in UNSC’
Chinese media responded  ‘US cannot get seat for India in UNSC’


BEIJING: The Govt. owned Chinese media said on Friday that the United States wants to utilize India as a lever to hold China's rising power but added that it is improbable to succeed in its endeavor.

The Chinese media was acted in response to US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson's current speech in which he spoke about rising US collaboration with India while passing judgment on China for involvement in "greedy economics".

In its editorial statement, for the hawkish Global Times, Rex said, "Since New Delhi is also stressful about its increasing gap with China; it makes an ideal target for Uncle Sam to unite against Beijing."

The editorial said New Delhi should not feel contented about Tillerson's comments because the US cannot make sure a seat for India at the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) all by itself, and without China's approval. Nor would it (the US) be ready to share high-end technologies (with India) because the US is eager to sell goods but not the know-how, it further added.

The comments appear ahead of Tillerson's visit to India next week, and US president Donald Trump's first Asian expedition which will also face China in the first two weeks of November.

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