Mother's day Special : An Open letter to Mom
Mother's day Special : An Open letter to Mom

As much as mothers love their children, the child loves their mother in the very same way, but fail to express it in person. we feel thankful, obliged and owe her a lot of love but we hardly tell her how we feel,so here is an open letter just to appreciate and tell her how much we love her.

Dearest mummy,

I’m not writing this letter to thank you for anything. Even if I try, I won’t be able to put justice to every single thing you have ever done, sacrificed and live just for my sake. So let’s keep the thanksgiving apart.

I just want you to know how my life has been away from you.  Every single day when I wake up, your voice has been replaced with an alarm clock, my mornings happen with pure sadness. I have to rush to the hostel mess to find food that doesn’t go with my mood at the moment which you totally understood and I always received breakfast in bed.

How do I tell you, these four walls will never make me feel like home unless you are not here. Sometimes home can a person you know, you’ll always be that person for me.

Every time I feel like quitting, I always think what you would do if you were in my place and then I automatically find solutions.

Your absence haunts me every single day. I have no one to shout at me when I don’t fold my clothes and my bed has become a garment factory, whenever I use my  phone I miss your voice from the background “ go study”.

How do I tell you that all the things that I hated at home are the same things that I miss in the hostel?

Of all the things, extreme good quality food, all the luxuries, all facilities, everything A class, this place still doesn’t feel like home because you are not here. Mom you are my home.

I miss you


Forever and always




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