Mycoplasma genitalium imposes risk to female fertility
Mycoplasma genitalium imposes risk to female fertility

With the increasing number of sexually transmitted infections that have been reported in the recent years, it has become an issue that demands sincere concern.

Mycoplasma genitalium is one such disorder which imposes a great risk to the fertility of the woman. The infection leads to resistance against antibiotics. As per the studies made in the UK regarding the same, there are chances for the disease to increase twice its current spread.

As per the information provided by Dr. Jeffrey Klausner, a professor of medicine in the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), the chances and extent of its spread cannot be considered with surety. He said, “I’m not that certain that we’re going to see it double in ten years.”

Mycoplasma genitalium is often mistaken as Chlamydia which is another STD.  

Mycoplasma genitalium is asymptomatic during the initial stages. Hence, people suffering from it often have no idea about it. They end up transferring it to their parteners without even knowing it

Experts who’ve been studying this disease since a long time have revealed, “Among men and women, many infections are without symptoms at all. But some infections do become symptomatic, and in men, they can cause a watery inflammation of the urethra with discharge and painful urination on occasion. In women, you can get inflammation of the cervix, and that can sometimes lead to discomfort during intercourse and even some bleeding after the intercourse. Some of those mycoplasma genitalium bacteria can get beyond the cervix, through the uterus and up into the fallopian tubes, causing inflammation in the tubes.”

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