Make sure, you aren't 'SAD'
Make sure, you aren't 'SAD'

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) more commonly known major depressive disorder (MDD) has been quite frequently observed in Teens in the recent years. It refers to a state of mind which is affected according to the seasons. The patient may start feeling low, for no reason. In spite of everything going perfectly normal in his or her life, the patient depressed, disappointed, sleepy and may even suffer from nausea.

Where on one hand we are referring to it as a seasonal disorder, this one ain’t a case allergy. It does not get cured all by itself, rather it may cause a more chronic condition like depression.

SAD is caused due to various reasons but the one’s which may actually stimulate this seasonal depression could be:

decreased sunlight exposure
Broken Relationship
Disappointment regarding career
Family issues

A theory regarding light, says that light is responsible to stimulate the production of certain hormones in our body, hence in the absence of it or reduction of it, the hormones meant for elevating our mood, aren’t produced and hence the person could feel really low.

SAD is majorly observed during the months of October or November and the effect reduces during March or April. Well, the months may vary as per the patients.

SAD is basically of 2 types, wintertime and summertime SAD.

The wintertime SAD causes

  1. daytime fatigue
  2. difficulty concentrating
  3. feelings of hopelessness
  4. increased irritability
  5. lack of interest in social activities
  6. lethargy
  7. reduced sexual interest
  8. unhappiness
  9. weight gain

The Symptoms relating to the Summertime SAD include:

1. agitation
2. difficulty sleeping
3. increased restlessness
4. lack of appetite
5. weight loss

SAD  should not be considered a casual issue. It demands sincere concern to be cured.

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