Research: Having high-fat foods can actually help you to weight-loss
Research: Having high-fat foods can actually help you to weight-loss

It quiets strange that eating high-fat foods can actually help you to weight -loss. Because there are many foods that carry high amounts of essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants vital for preventing diseases as well as maintaining a good health and weigh. Not only this, many high-fat foods, especially whole and unprocessed ones, are full of goodness and obtained to be beneficial to burn headstrong belly fat.

One of the Senior investigator Fanxin Long told this could lead them to a unique therapeutic target for treating obesity "What's particularly necessary is that the animals in our study ate a high-fat diet but didn't gain weight, and in people, too much fat in the diet is a common cause of obesity," Long continued.

They also revealed that fat gain is due mainly to developed fat cell size and each fat cell grows bigger so that it can hold larger fat droplets. And a person gains weight mainly due to fat cells get bigger, as opposed to having more fat cells. He focused on the so-called Hedgehog protein pathway that is active in many tissues in the body.

The findings are surprising as the results submitted that after eight weeks of eating the high-fat diet, control animals whose Hedgehog pathways had not been activated became obese. But the mice that had been engineered with genes to activate the pathway did not gain any more weight than did control animals that consumed normal diets. Being obese increase a person's risk of developing stroke, heart attack, diabetes, and cancer. The findings have been declared in the journal eLife.

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