A pigeon's nest is not good for your House!!!
A pigeon's nest is not good for your House!!!

Important Vastu tips:-
1.Never have a pigeon's nest near or inside your house, it brings Poverty and negative energy.

2.Having a Beehive is not only dangerous for you health but also for it is very unlucky as well.
Spider's web brings loss of money and is unlucky, so whenever you see it at your home get it removed as fast as you can.

3.Always tell your gardener to cut the dried leaves of your plants it brings dullness in your house.

4.Remove all the Dormant electronic devices from home they bring instability in your house.

5.Never keep waste papers or chocolate wrappers in your bag it brings dullness in your mind.

Also Read:

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All about Lord Shiva- The Destroyer of Evil


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