Add these 5 things into bathing water, Will give health along with mental peace
Add these 5 things into bathing water,  Will give health along with mental peace

Daily bathing becomes a must for us for proper care of the skin with health and body cleansing. Bathing brings out the filth of our body and makes us feel fresh. Bathing not only cleanses the body but also keeps our mind fresh. If some things are added to the bath water, many health problems can be solved. Today, we're going to talk about similar tips that you can mix with water so you don't have any skin problems. This will give you health as well as mantle grinding.

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neem leaves
Pour some neem leaves in hot water and strain them. Then mix this boiled neem water into your bath bucket. Then take a bath with this water. Doing so helps to solve skin infections or abscesses.

rose water
Mix four to five table spoon rose water in a bucket and then bathe in this water. Bathing with rose water is also very beneficial for skin. Also, your bath water gets smouldering, giving you a mantle piece. Rose water removes the odour of the body when bathed and the muscles are relaxed.

Rock salt and alum
Add 1 table spoon rock salt and alum to a bucket filled with water before taking a bath and then take a bath with this water. This will keep your body's blood circulation intact. Also, thereby correcting body fatigue and muscle pens.

Add two to three pieces of camphor in a bucket of bath water and mix it with this water. This removes the problem of headache and body pain, which gives a lot of rest to the body.

the shrub holy basil
Tulsi is antibacterial, which does not cause eczema-like disease. Hence, taking a bath with Tulsi leaves in water helps to solve all skin problems.

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