Sawan, the Hindu month dedicated to Lord Shiva, began on July 22 and will conclude on August 19, coinciding with Raksha Bandhan. This period is considered auspicious as it is believed that observing fasts and rituals during Sawan can fulfill one’s wishes. The month is marked by significant events such as the Kanwar Yatra, and this year, Sawan is particularly special due to the formation of several beneficial astrological combinations: Preeti Yoga, Ayushman Yoga, and Sarvarth Siddhi Yoga, along with the Gajkesari Yoga.
Sundays in Sawan hold special significance. Observing certain practices on Sundays can alleviate physical and mental pain. Here are some remedies to consider:
1. Alleviating Physical Ailments
If you are experiencing physical or mental distress, place a small piece of the root of a banyan tree under your pillow while sleeping on Sundays throughout the month of Sawan. This practice is believed to help improve physical health and alleviate discomfort.
2. Overcoming Mental Fears
To combat the fear of failure in exams or financial losses in business, sit under a banyan tree on Sundays and recite the Hanuman Chalisa seven times. This ritual is thought to help resolve such issues.
3. Resolving Workplace Conflicts
If you are facing disputes at work or frequent obstacles in your tasks, worship Lord Shiva and light a lamp under a banyan tree on Sundays. Performing this ritual regularly is believed to help resolve conflicts and improve work conditions.
By following these practices, devotees hope to gain relief from various challenges and attract the blessings of Lord Shiva during this auspicious month.
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