Afghanistan President Ghani praised India's role at Afghanistan Conference in Geneva
Afghanistan President Ghani praised India's role at Afghanistan Conference in Geneva

Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani has praised the role of India at the Afghanistan conference in Geneva. During his address on tuesday, the Afghan President thanked India for its "commitment of over $2 billion" while on the first day he said, "I’d like to thank India and Iran for the Chahbahar corridor in the related sea corridor as well as the air corridor."

India-Afghanistan air corridor was started in 2017 to make easy access of Afghan produce such as fruits by the huge Indian market. India built Chabahar port in Iran has helped increased connectivity between the 2 countries. To be noted, amidst the covid pandemic, India sent 75000 MT of wheat aid to the country. Since the fall of the Taliban in 2001, India has emerged as an important partner of Kabul, and helped in capacity building and number of infrastructure projects as well, including the India Afghanistan friendship dam in Herat, the Afghan Parliament in Kabul.   

Afghan Government, Finland's government and United Nations co-hosted the 2020 Afghanistan Conference. The conference has seen a number of financial pledges by several countries for the country even as the peace process gains momentum. At the conference, the Afghan President highlighted how his country is known by many names such as "heart of Asia", "gates of India", "Switzerland of Asia", pointing out the vital geography of the country via a vis whole of Asia. 

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