Ahmad Taha Kharrat : Journey of a Motivational Speaker
Ahmad Taha Kharrat : Journey of a Motivational Speaker

Ahmad Taha Kharrat, knowing as AK was  born and raised in Aleppo, Syria untill 17 years old. He moved to Qatar when he was 17 years old and after that he moved to New Zealand when he was 21 years old to be with his wife as she is from New Zealand. When he was 23 , he decided to move to Dubai to grow his career and since that time up today he is living in Dubai. So basically he lived 17 years in Syria and another 15 years between Qatar, New Zealand and Dubai which made him think that he really belong to no particular place , but rather to the World.

AK is just 34 years old and have been working in luxury retail industry since the last 15

years of his life, the first 5 years he was working as sales specialist learning and working cloth with the best leaders in

the world about sales process, identifying customer needs, handling clients objections, negotiating, closing deals, provide outstanding customer service as well as studying the

consumer behaviours in mideast towards purchasing luxury products such as luxury fashion, watches and jewelleries

He have gained a lot of experience working in sales for 7 years between Qatar and Dubai by interacting with more than 180 nationalities with so many different cultures.

He invested a lot on himself studying about sales and leadership management which gives him the right skills to manage employees, coaching them, help them to achieve their KPIs by developing strategies and executing it.

Those very valuable skills allowed him to grow in the luxury segment for the last 8 years up to today and become a business development manager in Dubai for the most prestigious international watches and jewelleries brands

such as Chopard, de Grisigono, Buame & Mercier, Audmer Piguet, Ulysse Nardin and many more brands.

In all the above boutiques he managed, his responsibilities, was working and acting as boutique manager for minimum of 2 years in each brands in order to coach the managers and their team, restructing the stores operation, mentoring the team and motivate them to get the best of them so they can

achieve their goals.

He helped so many brands in generating millions of dollars by taking their businesses from hug lost to huge profits as well as many sales people transforming thier skills and accomplish milestone achievements allow them to grow in their career because helping people is his passion in life, he decided to

become a motivational speaker in his personal time, talking to people not only the team he work with, helping them to improve their finances, coming out of their comfort zone,

developing thier skills, overcome their challenges in life and shifting their mindset from negative thoughts to positive thoughts which will allow them to proceed their dreams.

Most of his life he like to read books and listen to international motivational speaker as well as travelling the world to attend their events. He read the The law of attraction book when he was 21 years old and it has changed his life since that day. His real mentors in life who he learned a lot from are the motivation speakers @Less Brown & @Toney Robin, inspired him a lot in his life. In Arab worlds the motivation speaking almost not exist , So

In 2019 he created instagram page to tell more people about it through the social media, so he created his own motivational instagram page @AK_minute2motiv8 and he started to create videos for the best motivational speaker in the world, translating them to Arabic language as well as adding some music on the videos. The page was very successful and through his instagram page he start to create his own motivation speech and advices from his life experience, people loved his content and the interaction went viral. Today he has 165K

followers. He is also mentoring group of people and from time to time he spoke to different organisations employees about life,

upgrading the mindset and creating the best work environment that will allow them to work happier and satisfying them.

AK reached here in his life by Postivity, determination, consistency, self investment,

confidence and hard work were always his ingredients and his weapons in life. He is a visionary guy and always have his vision followed by goals and followed by actions. He has a fighting sprit and he never give up until he reach his goals despite whatever the circumstances.

His motto in life which always keep him going is " My life is my responsibility and I am alone will determine who I am going to be"

His inspiration always was about creating better living environment for his parents and himself. I guess because he had a tough childhood in Syria, his parents weren't rich and his expectations were always very high that's why he dropped the school when he was 13 years old to make money so he can help his parents and get what he desired in life and Thanks God, today his parents are living a very happy comfortable life between Dubai and Turkey. When he was 21 years old, he met his New Zealander wife in Qatar and they fell in love with each other from that day till now.

When he met his wife he was broke, she was the biggest inspiration and motivation for him infact, she is the reason he is what he is today because she is the smartest, most educated and independent woman he have ever seen. At the beginning of his relationship he remember one thing she told him and it is really inspired him till today " You may have not chosen to have your current circumstances but definitely

with time you can creat your own ones" and yeah she was absolutely right because AK managed to pay all his debts. He become a good money saver, he moved his parents to better places in the world from Syria to Saudi Arabia to Dubai to Turkey. He got his desired car (porche Cayenne). He lives in the most luxury Hotel in the centre of Dubai. He grow his career, travel the world and he was granted a permanent residency in New Zealand,

His parents and his wife will always be AK's inspiration in life.

Because He dropped of from school when he was 13 his biggest problem in life was his education and not being able to speak English at all.

When he started to own a good money he immediately invested in himself , He enrolled himself in an English business classes , learning about business management, communication and leadership. Because he dedicated a lot of time and money as investment in himself, He overcome these problems.

Because he never had money before to continue his study and he was self made person but not graduated person, so he decided to study MBA in Cardiff metropolitan University in UK, so in

2020 he applied to the university and thanks God with the recommendation letters from big organisations he work with and because of his work experience he was accepted to join

the University and in few months he will be going to attend his graduation ceremony from MBA in Cardiff, UK.

His future plan is to travel to poor countries where a lot of people needs some helps and he want to speak to them and tell them his story, how he was one day in their place and how he

made it to where he is today and his message to them will be that if they need to have better life they must think out of the box and not to surrender to their current circumstances in

order for them to be able to create a better future for them and their family.

He also want to help peoples' careers by coaching and consulting them as well as find them the right jobs where they are not required any work experience and they will begin

their own careers and build their own work and life experience.

AK's message to the upcoming talent is

"If you want something in life there is no power that can stop you from going after it. Always keep in mind that you can create your own life as long as you have the vision, belief,

clear goals and never ever give up until you get what you want and also always remember that Your life experience it is a success or failure story that one day you are going to tell to your grandchildren, so make sure you are going to build a successful story."


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