Tollywood's upcoming movie "Alludu Adurs" will be released soon. The team all went to Kashmir for the shooting of any film but as the shooting was coming to an end, the film crew along with the hero got stuck there due to a blizzard in Kashmir. Air traffic was also completely halted. Srinagar and other parts of Kashmir have been experiencing heavy snowfall for the past few days. The hero could not reach Hyderabad even by a special plane. With all the arrangements for the movie pre-release ceremony tomorrow (January 8), there is a big doubt as to whether the hero will come or not. It seems that the film crew is planning to postpone the pre-release ceremony. The film, directed by Santosh Srinivas, will be released on Sankranthi on January 15.
Speaking about the film, Bellamkonda Srinivas along with Nabha Natesh and Anu Emmanuel are the prominent ladies in the film. The film has a collective cast of Sonu Sood, Prakash Raj, Wennela Kishore, Brahmaji, Saptagiri and Srinivasa Reddy. Snow clearance continues amid avalanches. But, it is unclear how long this will take. With almost a week left until the release of the film, the producers are worried about when things will return to normal. They had planned many campaigns and the unforeseen circumstances spoiled them.